

What if I told you this book could tell you things like who killed JFK, or that it could give you access to Area 51. What if I said that it could prove the very existence of Bigfoot and the Lockness Monster. That it would be able to shed light on things like Stonehenge, crop circles, and the Egyptian pyramids. What if I told you it contained information to unlock a secret greater than all of those. Would you consider it?

What if there was a book out there that could prove the answer to man’s greatest question? A book that proved the very existence of God Himself. Proof of what He looks like, what His voice sounds like, how He walks, talks, what His interests are, even where He lives. What if this book was able to open a door right before your very eyes. A door that would give you first hand access to facts impossible to deny? Would you believe it?

Here and now, I lay down a challenge to everyone reading these words. Turn the page. Read the book. Open your eyes. Prove me wrong.

“And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.”

Psalm 9:10